Life After Life
Every Man Has A Story
I received an invitation to hear a man’s Christian testimony. Hesitantly, I accepted and arrived a few minutes early. As I walked into the gym, I was greeted by loud music with enthusiastic people swaying their arms, yelling “Praise the Lord”. My emotions immediately went into fight-or-flight mode. I Positioned myself next to the door I just entered, leaning on the wall, hands folded behind my back, preparing for a quick exit. The mental battle began. What in the world am I doing here? This is nuts. Just stay a minute or two and then slip out.
I was thirty-nine, experiencing a measure of success in the rat race, a weekend warrior, consuming alcohol, drugs and an active “dating” life. This had been my pattern for twenty years. To the outside world , I seemed to have it pretty good. What more could a man want? I was experiencing most of the hedonistic pleasures the world had to offer.
The loud gym speaker announced, please take your seats. That was my cue to exit stage left. Just at that moment the couple who had invited me enthusiastically ran up to greet me. I was at the fork in the road, should I stay, or should I go? Take a seat they encouraged, and I obliged. The place was packed, and the only available seat was dead center third row. I sat down, keeping my eyes forward, while still engaged in my mental struggle. Then a voice rang out, “hey Bob”. This can’t be. I turned my head and two seats down from me sat Norm, an acquaintance I’ve known for years. Norm chuckled and asked, what are you doing here? Norm introduced his son who was sitting in the seat next to me. Coincidence, in a packed gym. I think not.
An Italian man strolled onto the stage, microphone in hand, and greeted the crowd. My name is Tom Papania. Thank you for inviting me to share my journey and how Christ transformed and restored my life. As Tom began to unfold his story of growing up gangster in New York, the gym fell silent; you could have heard a pin drop. Through tears, he shared how his mother’s unceasing prayers were answered, the transformation of her hardcore gangster son to a man traveling the country to praise Jesus's name.
At the conclusion of his life story, his miracle journey to the cross, he invited the crowd to stand. He asked, if you know 100% that you are going to heaven, please sit down. My legs locked, and my heart was pounding in my chest. Norm's young son stood next to me. When Norm sat down, he glanced at his son and me standing there, and he immediately stood back up. Tom Papania, the former New York gangster, invited those who were standing to come forward and publicly receive Christ as their Savior. My life changed at that moment. Difficult to explain what happens when you truly give your heart to Christ. The encounter with the Holy Spirit defies explanation.
I immediately headed out the door, making a bee - line to my car. From the moment I turned the car key to the time I arrived at my front door; I wept like a baby. The following 22 years have been a blessing, not without pain, and deep disappointments. And there’s been no Christian perfection in my life. Daily, I fight the good fight, I repent and ask for wisdom to be the man Christ has always intended me to be. He painfully corrects, prunes, and pursues me, knowing His love for me demands that. Jesus has moved people in and out of my life by His choice, as He directs my steps for my growth. He has been faithful; He has never let me down. I’m truly a blessed man. My journey to salvation began with an invitation from a Christian couple. That invite, changed my life. Tell the world about Christ! Cast your net. It truly is a battle for man's soul.
In Christ
This ministry truly touches lives. Their dedication and compassion are unparalleled.
A beacon of hope in our community. This ministry is truly a blessing.
Their commitment to service is inspiring. A ministry that truly cares.